


The child Abdullah is an orphan of parents

The child Abdullah lives with his brothers and their aunt in a tent in one of the random camps, Abdullah needs an urgent operation...


Target: 600$

Total: 600$

Aunt Sobha does not have a breadwinner who provides for her needs

Aunt Subha lives in a tent in a random olive land that is not within an organized camp, the tent lacks the minimum necessities of living, the suffering increases more in the winter, she has no one to provide for her needs, she lives alone...


Target: $

Total: $

Aunt Sobha and her painful story

Aunt Subha lives in one of the random camps for the displaced in northern Syria. She does not have a breadwinner and lives in harsh conditions in a worn-out tent that is not suitable for living in summer or winter...


Target: 1500$

Total: 1500$

A childhood that takes on the features of misery and lack

Nada lives with her younger sisters and parents in a dilapidated tent, in poor condition and lacking the most basic necessities of life. Brother Khaled, the father of the youngsters, suffers from many diseases, and his health condition is not enough to engage in any work...


Target: 800$

Total: 250$

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